People: Piazza Uffizi, Florence
This series is the most fun I have ever had photographing people. Between the tourists, the street vendors, and the locals there was just so much happening. The pictures are in the order that I took them.

Laura Bush: RWU 2006
Laura Bush is going to be the Keynote Speaker during my graduation ceremony on May 20, 2006.* I have been thinking on this information for a few days now, and I object! I realize that Bush herself was not elected, and that she is not the creator of the policies of the President. She is however, where ever she goes, a defendant of these policies. She has to be. By having Bush here this school declares its tacit consent to the President's policies. That most certainly does not reflect my sentiments nor can it reflect the sentiments of all those connected with this school.
The question arises, "Why is Laura Bush coming to our school?" It is mostly likely the result of the Initiative to Educate Afghan Women which was founded by Paula Nirschel, the wife of RWU President Roy Nirschel. This May, the first Afghan women who were sponsored by the Initiative will be graduating, and Laura Bush has spoken in support of the Initiative a couple of times.** The Initiative has been very successful for the the three Afghan women who will be graduating, but having Laura Bush speak at our graduation is foolishly taking advantage of their presence.
I am saying that this is foolish because Roger Williams has already been misrepresented too often in the past. Let us say that a person wants to find out about RWU, so they "google" "Roger Williams University." Results 9 and 10 (on the first page of results) are the RWU College Republicans, and the Wikipedia article on RWU which features the "White Scholarship Controversy." Basically, besides education, it is this controversy that RWU is know for, even though it is not at all a representation of the sentiments of the students or staff. I do not want Laura Bush, someone so closely tied to President Bush's policy, to bring more media attention to our school in this way. It does not look good for me as a future graduate who disagrees with many of the President's decisions, and it will not make me proud to invite my friends and family to watch me graduate.
Roger Williams University seems to be playing the "name game." Bringing Laura Bush to a graduation is indeed impressive but it misses the point. The Keynote Speaker at a graduation is supposed to be a person who inspires all the graduates to do something in the world. Laura Bush simply cannot do that for everyone.
*I have been told by a number of different people now that Laura Bush is going to be the main speaker at my graduation ceremony on May 20, 2006. I went to ask about it at RWU President Roy Nirschel's office and the secretary was clearly surprised and set off balance by my question. Then she wouldn't answer. Currently, I do not have official confirmation that Mrs. Bush will be coming but I have COMPLETE non-official confirmation. I have been told that she is coming by a teacher and a number of trustworthy classmates. One of the classmates has actually been to meet Mrs. Bush with Mrs. Nirschel as she is one of the participants in the IEAW.
** Here are the two documented speeches where Laura Bush has spoken about the IEAW:
The question arises, "Why is Laura Bush coming to our school?" It is mostly likely the result of the Initiative to Educate Afghan Women which was founded by Paula Nirschel, the wife of RWU President Roy Nirschel. This May, the first Afghan women who were sponsored by the Initiative will be graduating, and Laura Bush has spoken in support of the Initiative a couple of times.** The Initiative has been very successful for the the three Afghan women who will be graduating, but having Laura Bush speak at our graduation is foolishly taking advantage of their presence.
I am saying that this is foolish because Roger Williams has already been misrepresented too often in the past. Let us say that a person wants to find out about RWU, so they "google" "Roger Williams University." Results 9 and 10 (on the first page of results) are the RWU College Republicans, and the Wikipedia article on RWU which features the "White Scholarship Controversy." Basically, besides education, it is this controversy that RWU is know for, even though it is not at all a representation of the sentiments of the students or staff. I do not want Laura Bush, someone so closely tied to President Bush's policy, to bring more media attention to our school in this way. It does not look good for me as a future graduate who disagrees with many of the President's decisions, and it will not make me proud to invite my friends and family to watch me graduate.
Roger Williams University seems to be playing the "name game." Bringing Laura Bush to a graduation is indeed impressive but it misses the point. The Keynote Speaker at a graduation is supposed to be a person who inspires all the graduates to do something in the world. Laura Bush simply cannot do that for everyone.
*I have been told by a number of different people now that Laura Bush is going to be the main speaker at my graduation ceremony on May 20, 2006. I went to ask about it at RWU President Roy Nirschel's office and the secretary was clearly surprised and set off balance by my question. Then she wouldn't answer. Currently, I do not have official confirmation that Mrs. Bush will be coming but I have COMPLETE non-official confirmation. I have been told that she is coming by a teacher and a number of trustworthy classmates. One of the classmates has actually been to meet Mrs. Bush with Mrs. Nirschel as she is one of the participants in the IEAW.
** Here are the two documented speeches where Laura Bush has spoken about the IEAW:
Hot Sextet

I lived with Tony Hollums last year. He is one of the most energetic capable musicians I know. He's doing cool stuff in the Boston area now.

Tony C. is still here at SAAHP. Great sax player! I'm not sure what next year will be for him.

Heather was the last addition to the band, but her trumpet style was a great addition.
Here's Liam, one of the two guitar players. I never got a good picture of the other guitar player.

Here's Liam, one of the two guitar players. I never got a good picture of the other guitar player.

This shot is from the cafeteria at our school.

Self Proclaimed Graduation Speech
A few months ago I wrote this. I don't think there is even a time when I would have an opportunity to make this speech, because I don't think that the architecture majors really have a separate ceremony. At any rate, this is what I would like to say, given the opportunity.
Self Proclaimed Graduation Speech
Hello everyone. I am an architecture student. We are soon to be architecture graduates. Proud to have succeeded in one of the most rigorous academic programs in any undergraduate school anywhere. We are soon to become architects. How did we get here though? And where do we go from here? The two most cliche big questions, and yet quite obviously the ones I should at least try to answer.
I dare say we got here in a bubble, and we are about to enter a bigger bubble. We have been at this school, not even that though, we have been in this building for five years, and we are about to enter the world for the rest of our lives. I think I just made another cliche statement, but to us it means something, because we, our charge is to work in space. We have spent 12 years sheltered and shaped at this school and now. . . The world is our pallet. Nothing short of that. We work with spaces, and out there is plenty of space. Maybe in our lifetimes our pallet increases beyond our gravitational boarders even.
We need to think about this though. The world is our pallet, what are we going to do with it? We may have gone to school for architecture, but I can assure all of you, we are not the only ones with opinions about this great canvas we have to work with. Ask my mom, she likes the town next to mine, where every commercial building must be colonial. Ask my friends, who are concerned about how much driving we all do. Ask you grandparents who really don't want to go to a nursing home, and I don't blame them. Ask the mayors who don't know how to handle the homeless. Ask the terrorists, they have an opinion too.
We have, so far, only occasionally chosen to ask any of these people anything, but I'm sure each of us have become increasingly aware of these "opinions" every time we say "I'm in architecture school." Every time I say "I'm going to be an architect," I get two comments. The first we all know and laugh at, and I'm sure many of us have stopped trying to explain that we are probably not going to be rich. There is the second comment though, it's not characterized exactly, but always the same sort of thing: the inevitable suggestion, opinion, or comment. Things like, "Well I bet you're never gonna build a sky scraper now." or "What do you think of that ugly new building on main street?" We have a tendency, at least I do, to want to dismiss this stuff saying, "I have an education in architecture, and you can't possible see things the way I do." I can't continue doing that though. We definitely cannot continue doing that. We are about to enter that society where everyone has an opinion, and everyone is a potential client. What are we gonna do then?
We're not going to go around dismissing what everyone says. Some of us will swallow our pride, others will try to convince them to see things our way, others of us will just keep on walking till someone says what we want to here. These people, everyone, their comments and their idea will be our world whether we like it or not. And its time we stop sniffling about it.
What I'm trying to say here is this. We can, if we so chose, dive into the fray. The built environment, you could say, is a hot topic but even THAT would be a huge understatement. It deals with identity of communities, it deals with personal pride, national identity. Cities, and this is no news to us, have created a new kind of living environment that we still don't fully understand, love, or hate. There is so much to be learned about how we box ourselves in. And basically, that's what we do, and when said that way, "we box ourselves in," It makes me want to do it right. And "doing it right," is not a known thing, it's more of a question. What is the right way to build boxes for ourselves? Some people say "not a box." If they are right, then we have a hundred years of boxes to correct. That's just one example.
Dive into the fray though. We need to. We need to better understand why we don't communicate so well with the rest of the world. It's not something to be shrugged off. We need to start making changes. If we believe codes suck, then dammit we need to quit saying "codes suck" to our peers when we go out for coffee, and we need to walk into city hall and say, "codes suck, and hers why!" We have an education. That does not make us separate from the rest of the world, it makes us responsible. If people do not understand us we need to teach them. Some of us will teach our clients one by one. Some of us will choose not to teach at all. I for one, intend to teach the people who make the rules, and I don't want to be alone. We can all do little things in this respect. There are planning boards, and we should all try to be on one. There are redevelopment committees, and we should know what they are up to. There are conferences on codes across the country, and we should go to them.
If this sounds boring, or way out of line for an architect, fine. If you don't want to get involved, fine. You've just never been into politics, fine. If you are saying these things and not listening to me then you're missing the point. Listen to me now. We will build things. We will effect communities with the buildings we design. We will make enemies and friends. We will have to defend ourselves sometimes. We will have to back off and just make people happy sometimes. If that is not politics, if that is not being involved then I don't know what is. We are about to embark on a new great journey. When we graduate today we will be stepping for the first time on our rightful canvas, this world. Its our canvas, but we're not the only ones holding the brush. When its done we won't be hanging our paintings in the living room, we will be putting them on a billboard on the freeway. That's all I have to say. I guess I ended with a funny metaphor. Our work has only just begun.
I dare say we got here in a bubble, and we are about to enter a bigger bubble. We have been at this school, not even that though, we have been in this building for five years, and we are about to enter the world for the rest of our lives. I think I just made another cliche statement, but to us it means something, because we, our charge is to work in space. We have spent 12 years sheltered and shaped at this school and now. . . The world is our pallet. Nothing short of that. We work with spaces, and out there is plenty of space. Maybe in our lifetimes our pallet increases beyond our gravitational boarders even.
We need to think about this though. The world is our pallet, what are we going to do with it? We may have gone to school for architecture, but I can assure all of you, we are not the only ones with opinions about this great canvas we have to work with. Ask my mom, she likes the town next to mine, where every commercial building must be colonial. Ask my friends, who are concerned about how much driving we all do. Ask you grandparents who really don't want to go to a nursing home, and I don't blame them. Ask the mayors who don't know how to handle the homeless. Ask the terrorists, they have an opinion too.
We have, so far, only occasionally chosen to ask any of these people anything, but I'm sure each of us have become increasingly aware of these "opinions" every time we say "I'm in architecture school." Every time I say "I'm going to be an architect," I get two comments. The first we all know and laugh at, and I'm sure many of us have stopped trying to explain that we are probably not going to be rich. There is the second comment though, it's not characterized exactly, but always the same sort of thing: the inevitable suggestion, opinion, or comment. Things like, "Well I bet you're never gonna build a sky scraper now." or "What do you think of that ugly new building on main street?" We have a tendency, at least I do, to want to dismiss this stuff saying, "I have an education in architecture, and you can't possible see things the way I do." I can't continue doing that though. We definitely cannot continue doing that. We are about to enter that society where everyone has an opinion, and everyone is a potential client. What are we gonna do then?
We're not going to go around dismissing what everyone says. Some of us will swallow our pride, others will try to convince them to see things our way, others of us will just keep on walking till someone says what we want to here. These people, everyone, their comments and their idea will be our world whether we like it or not. And its time we stop sniffling about it.
What I'm trying to say here is this. We can, if we so chose, dive into the fray. The built environment, you could say, is a hot topic but even THAT would be a huge understatement. It deals with identity of communities, it deals with personal pride, national identity. Cities, and this is no news to us, have created a new kind of living environment that we still don't fully understand, love, or hate. There is so much to be learned about how we box ourselves in. And basically, that's what we do, and when said that way, "we box ourselves in," It makes me want to do it right. And "doing it right," is not a known thing, it's more of a question. What is the right way to build boxes for ourselves? Some people say "not a box." If they are right, then we have a hundred years of boxes to correct. That's just one example.
Dive into the fray though. We need to. We need to better understand why we don't communicate so well with the rest of the world. It's not something to be shrugged off. We need to start making changes. If we believe codes suck, then dammit we need to quit saying "codes suck" to our peers when we go out for coffee, and we need to walk into city hall and say, "codes suck, and hers why!" We have an education. That does not make us separate from the rest of the world, it makes us responsible. If people do not understand us we need to teach them. Some of us will teach our clients one by one. Some of us will choose not to teach at all. I for one, intend to teach the people who make the rules, and I don't want to be alone. We can all do little things in this respect. There are planning boards, and we should all try to be on one. There are redevelopment committees, and we should know what they are up to. There are conferences on codes across the country, and we should go to them.
If this sounds boring, or way out of line for an architect, fine. If you don't want to get involved, fine. You've just never been into politics, fine. If you are saying these things and not listening to me then you're missing the point. Listen to me now. We will build things. We will effect communities with the buildings we design. We will make enemies and friends. We will have to defend ourselves sometimes. We will have to back off and just make people happy sometimes. If that is not politics, if that is not being involved then I don't know what is. We are about to embark on a new great journey. When we graduate today we will be stepping for the first time on our rightful canvas, this world. Its our canvas, but we're not the only ones holding the brush. When its done we won't be hanging our paintings in the living room, we will be putting them on a billboard on the freeway. That's all I have to say. I guess I ended with a funny metaphor. Our work has only just begun.
FYI: The "Misc." section of my site is becoming as much a resource for me as for other people. I'm just loading it up with links and info I need so that I can always get to it. Don't worry, none of it will be TOO personal.
Joe Pollack
I was just going to list this site as one of my friends, because I consider Joe friend after all, but that doesn't do it justice. I think that Joe mixes music like with best (although I admit I don't know alot about that scene). At any rate, I think these songs are awesome!
I like "50 Suite" because it is truely whitty music. They're all good though.
Joe's Music Link
Phantom Buffalo
I always knew these guys as the "Ponys," but I guess they changed their name. I also got to see them live recently and they are half way through a tour of the US. Please checkout this great stuff too!
Phantom Buffalo Myspace
Asian Mae
I was lucky enough to stumble upon this live performance in the little shop called Strange Maine on Congress Street in Portland. She is ahuntingly beautiful! There is music on her myspace page, so listen to it!!!!
Asian Mae's Myspace
Satellite Lot
Those of you who know me well should know these guys already. Jesse Hautala's bother Aaron is in the band. Here you will find a few songs. Listen to at least a bit of all of them. . . they're all different.
The Satellite Lot media page.
Imogen Heap
Imogen is on the Garden State Soundtrack as part of Fru Fru (i think thats the band name). Anyway, this interview is great! Good music, good info.
Its from World Cafe (NPR)
Joanna Newsom
I should be sleeping right now, but I listened to this CD by Joanna Newsom (Milk-Eyed Mender) and decided to look her up. I have been listening to this CD before bed off and on for the last few weeks, and I really like it. Most of the songs are just voice and harp (played by her) and I dare say her voice is something to get used to. I am not sure why it (her voice) doesn't bother me, but it doesn't. What I'm trying to say here is that I think this CD is awesome.
If you go to this link be sure to listen to "Book of Right On."
If you go to this link be sure to watch "The Sprout and the Bean."
I was just going to list this site as one of my friends, because I consider Joe friend after all, but that doesn't do it justice. I think that Joe mixes music like with best (although I admit I don't know alot about that scene). At any rate, I think these songs are awesome!
I like "50 Suite" because it is truely whitty music. They're all good though.
Joe's Music Link
Phantom Buffalo
I always knew these guys as the "Ponys," but I guess they changed their name. I also got to see them live recently and they are half way through a tour of the US. Please checkout this great stuff too!
Phantom Buffalo Myspace
Asian Mae
I was lucky enough to stumble upon this live performance in the little shop called Strange Maine on Congress Street in Portland. She is ahuntingly beautiful! There is music on her myspace page, so listen to it!!!!
Asian Mae's Myspace
Satellite Lot
Those of you who know me well should know these guys already. Jesse Hautala's bother Aaron is in the band. Here you will find a few songs. Listen to at least a bit of all of them. . . they're all different.
The Satellite Lot media page.
Imogen Heap
Imogen is on the Garden State Soundtrack as part of Fru Fru (i think thats the band name). Anyway, this interview is great! Good music, good info.
Its from World Cafe (NPR)
Joanna Newsom
I should be sleeping right now, but I listened to this CD by Joanna Newsom (Milk-Eyed Mender) and decided to look her up. I have been listening to this CD before bed off and on for the last few weeks, and I really like it. Most of the songs are just voice and harp (played by her) and I dare say her voice is something to get used to. I am not sure why it (her voice) doesn't bother me, but it doesn't. What I'm trying to say here is that I think this CD is awesome.
If you go to this link be sure to listen to "Book of Right On."
If you go to this link be sure to watch "The Sprout and the Bean."
Joanna Newsom
I should be sleeping right now, but I listened to this CD by Joanna Newsom (Milk-Eyed Mender) and decided to look her up. I have been listening to this CD before bed off and on for the last few weeks, and I really like it. Most of the songs are just voice and harp (played by her) and I dare say her voice is something to get used to. I am not sure why it (her voice) doesn't bother me, but it doesn't. What I'm trying to say here is that I think this CD is awesome.
If you go to this link be sure to listen to "Book of Right On."
If you go to this link be sure to watch "The Sprout and the Bean."
If you go to this link be sure to listen to "Book of Right On."
If you go to this link be sure to watch "The Sprout and the Bean."
Release Party
Hey Everyone,
Some of you have already visited the site, and were too early for the party. For those who are just arriving though, Welcome! I just sent out all those mass emails last night, so now I guess this is officially open. Please feel free to make comments (good or bad). I want to make this as good as possible.
Thanks to all.
Some of you have already visited the site, and were too early for the party. For those who are just arriving though, Welcome! I just sent out all those mass emails last night, so now I guess this is officially open. Please feel free to make comments (good or bad). I want to make this as good as possible.
Thanks to all.
Seeing Italy

Thesis Studio
I have been working on thesis in studio since the end of January 2006. At this point though I don't have any finalized drawings so I am going to show a variety of things.
This site plan was basically my first sketch of the project. The brown shading shows the areas that can't be directly seen from my site. The green and red line shows the boundary that I thought I would be building in. The yellow shows that I want to have a continuum between the quad (center) and the bay (right). The arrow path shows the student path of travel between the dorms. I am still using many of these same concepts.
My current design has my building placed to the right of the library (building with the clock tower) but behind it further.

This diagram shows what my building program was at the beginning of the semester. It has changed a little. Namely, there is no longer a dining hall.

I have designed other spaces, but this is the only one modeled. It is the central space of my student center, and it is meant to work as a theater of sorts, a gathering space, and circulatory space, depending on the need.
This site plan was basically my first sketch of the project. The brown shading shows the areas that can't be directly seen from my site. The green and red line shows the boundary that I thought I would be building in. The yellow shows that I want to have a continuum between the quad (center) and the bay (right). The arrow path shows the student path of travel between the dorms. I am still using many of these same concepts.

My current design has my building placed to the right of the library (building with the clock tower) but behind it further.

This diagram shows what my building program was at the beginning of the semester. It has changed a little. Namely, there is no longer a dining hall.

I have designed other spaces, but this is the only one modeled. It is the central space of my student center, and it is meant to work as a theater of sorts, a gathering space, and circulatory space, depending on the need.

I am taking a class with Patrick Charles called "Sustainable Paradigms." We study weather data and use it to aid us in energy efficient building design. We have been learning a couple of good computer programs as well. One of the programs is "Weather Tool." This one is something that anyone can fool around with. Here are some diagrams on sustainable design that are loosely base on my current thesis design.
This sketch shows a room of my building during a summer day and a winter day.

The section sketch above shows a summer day and the one below shows a summer night.
This sketch shows a room of my building during a summer day and a winter day.

Thesis Proposal
Theses are the first few pages of my thesis document (excluding the table of contents) and they basically speak for themselves.

just a note. . .
I have lots more photograph to add. . . . please notice the links on the side to help you find stuff!

Nature (many places and times)
Here is a picture I took when I was on a hike with John. We didn't know it but we ended up hiking to the highest point in York County, Maine. Not high, but a great view. This picture is from coming down. I'm pretty sure it's an old graveyard.

Here are a few more great pictures that I took this past Fall with Sasha. We went on a hike in the woods near her house, and it was the perfect day for it!

This one was taken near Bristol Harbor in Independence Park. I'm glad the bee (?) was there.
Here are a few more great pictures that I took this past Fall with Sasha. We went on a hike in the woods near her house, and it was the perfect day for it!

This one was taken near Bristol Harbor in Independence Park. I'm glad the bee (?) was there.

Portland Land Use Code
The other night before going to sleep I got to thinking about learning how zoning works in Portland. As I was mulling over this I suddenly realized, "Hey! I can start right now!" I figured I could go to Portland's website, download the zoning code, and start reading it. In fact, I did almost exactly that. Here is the site:
Portland Code of Ordinances
There ended up being one small problem. Actually, 700 pages of a small problem. Anyway, I am proud of myself for finding the "ultimate source" of Portland Architectural law, but I'm not even going to attempt this thing until I can have a hard copy. When that happens, look out Portland! Here I come!
Portland Code of Ordinances
There ended up being one small problem. Actually, 700 pages of a small problem. Anyway, I am proud of myself for finding the "ultimate source" of Portland Architectural law, but I'm not even going to attempt this thing until I can have a hard copy. When that happens, look out Portland! Here I come!
RWU Campus

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