

Joe Pollack
I was just going to list this site as one of my friends, because I consider Joe friend after all, but that doesn't do it justice. I think that Joe mixes music like with best (although I admit I don't know alot about that scene). At any rate, I think these songs are awesome!
I like "50 Suite" because it is truely whitty music. They're all good though.

Joe's Music Link

Phantom Buffalo
I always knew these guys as the "Ponys," but I guess they changed their name. I also got to see them live recently and they are half way through a tour of the US. Please checkout this great stuff too!

Phantom Buffalo Myspace

Asian Mae
I was lucky enough to stumble upon this live performance in the little shop called Strange Maine on Congress Street in Portland. She is ahuntingly beautiful! There is music on her myspace page, so listen to it!!!!

Asian Mae's Myspace

Satellite Lot
Those of you who know me well should know these guys already. Jesse Hautala's bother Aaron is in the band. Here you will find a few songs. Listen to at least a bit of all of them. . . they're all different.

The Satellite Lot media page.

Imogen Heap
Imogen is on the Garden State Soundtrack as part of Fru Fru (i think thats the band name). Anyway, this interview is great! Good music, good info.

Its from World Cafe (NPR)

Joanna Newsom
I should be sleeping right now, but I listened to this CD by Joanna Newsom (Milk-Eyed Mender) and decided to look her up. I have been listening to this CD before bed off and on for the last few weeks, and I really like it. Most of the songs are just voice and harp (played by her) and I dare say her voice is something to get used to. I am not sure why it (her voice) doesn't bother me, but it doesn't. What I'm trying to say here is that I think this CD is awesome.

If you go to this link be sure to listen to "Book of Right On."

If you go to this link be sure to watch "The Sprout and the Bean."

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